Gecko Hawaii's Kicks, Kix & Pix Contest!
Starting in October 2021 Gecko Hawaii is kicking off a brand new WEEKLY contest! Anyone can play — and we will pick a new winner every week to get something RAD for free!
At Gecko, we love getting pics of people showing off how they rock their Gecko Hawaii Apparel with their shoes. We also love getting those pics of people wearing Gecko Gear and showing off old retro 1980s and 1990s products — so we decided to make this contest non-stop.
Kicks = A Rad Pair of Shoes
Kix = Your favorite 1980s/90s cereal (Kix) or fun 1980s/90s product (IE Sports Illustrated Football Phone, Rubix Cube, He-Man toy, Baseball Card collection.
Pix = A pic of you wearing any Gecko Hawaii Apparel (New or Older).
1. Take A Picture of one (or all) of the following:
A. Wearing Gecko Hawaii and somehow showing off your Kicks.
B. Wearing Gecko while showcasing your Kix (IE A Retro Product)
C. Placing Your Gecko Apparel next to your Kicks and/or your Kix — and take a pic.
D. Use an ACTUAL old photo of you back in the 80s or 90s wearing Gecko.
2. Send Your “Pix” To This Email Address:
It's that easy!
You can send as many pics as you want.
You can enter multiple times every week.
You MUST email the pic — not just post it social. This is for many reasons -- but the most important one is that if you win, we need to reach you to get your size, mailing info, etc.
You can totally feel free to post it onto any social platform too, (we recommend using the hashtag #GeckoHawaii, however you HAVE to email it to us in order to be considered for that week’s contest/prize.
As long as you see this contest up — then the contest is running!
Every week will be different mystery prize — from a piece of never released Gecko Apparel, to secret things that we don’t sell on the site — like original vintage Gecko Tees from the 1980s and 1990s to RAD original products that we developed — but never produced in mass — to random accessories and much more!
You already have the Gecko Gear — so why not give it a shot? Mahalo!