Secret Tee Collection
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Secret Tees Are Exclusive 1 TIME ONLY printings of designs, or features, or ink colorways, or t-shirt colors -- or a combination of all (or some) of the above.
There are a limited number printed -- usually between 50 and 300 depending on the time of the year. They are released to the Gecko Fam (people on the Gecko Hawaii email list) 24 hours earlier before they are made widely available on the main website. We almost ALWAYS run out of a few sizes, or completely sell out of Secret Tees within 1 to 2 days after the launch -- especially in the spring & summer. Any remaining secret tees end up in this collection. They go quick!
Hint: Please make sure to click on all sizes. Often times people will think the whole tee is sold out if "small" is sold out, because "small" is the first size displayed.
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Authentic Designs From The 1980's & 90's!
There is so much good stuff Gecko has brought back to the future from the 1980's & 1990's!